Friday, October 14, 2011


Yes. My next choice is definitely MAYAWATI!!!

People who criticize her are missing the most important point. It is not as if Mayawati has done anything new. Every political leader in India is guilty of extravagant expenditure where it is not necessary at all.

Bottom-line is that she has invested on something for the entertainment of people (even though it is a very ‘dalit’ type)!  She has made a 700 Crore park this time. Who knows what she will make if she becomes the PM! Maybe a modern and hi-tech APPU-GHAR or an Indian version of Disney land! We can definitely do with one!

No one has ever undertaken any project so beneficial to citizens. India builds its useful otiose longest railway tunnel for 391 crores. This tunnel in all manners is a proud futile project that will unite divide India even more and strengthen weaken Indian defense. Imagine wasting such a huge amount of money in such unserviceable things!

Who the hell needs defense? The need of the hour is to make such economical parks with the sorcerous statues of Mayawati. These alone are sufficient to scare the shit out of the Chinese! I would be if I see them in my dreams!

So, let us not point fingers at Mayawati now. We should encourage her to deploy more statues at the border. 6 crore a statue is nothing when the national security comes. For the Chinese missiles we have Mayawati on her dangerous elephants! The dalit waste warrior of India!

On a serious note one thing for sure is we can’t do anything about it now! The only consolation we can give ourselves is that the hard earned money of people has been utilized in developing a park that will change the face of U.P!
Please someone flush this stinking piece of shit.  

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